Monthly Archives: December 2012

Right Thinking

Happy holidays, lets jump right in on the topic today and talk about how you can start playing better tennis with the right thinking on your part. Its start with being aware of how you are thinking and concentrating on improving your thoughts day by day, but you have to practice it everyday for 21 days or more until you see some results. Don’t beat yourself up at first, just focus on being aware and staying non-judgemental,  the key is just focusing on being in the moment, which is all we really have, so keep bringing yourself back to the moment, whenever you are in the past or worrying about the future (like if i lose to this player). Most of us stay stuck in the past and fearing the future, making it impossible for us to enjoy the present, so thats a quick tip to keep you focus on the presents and thinking the right thoughts. Keep your mind on success and DENY any failure thoughts from entering your mind, this is the most powerful technique you can develop, but as I said, you have to practice it EVERYDAY! Okay, time to get your thinking right and win more matches.

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Posted by on December 26, 2012 in Uncategorized


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Day by Day

Hey guys, hope everything is going fine, lets talk about how to try to get better everyday, its just a matter of pushing yourself to go the EXTRA mile day by day, when we want to take it easy. The word is efficiency  and this has to be learn, most of us are not born with this, thats why it has to be practice over and over until it becomes a habit. It took me a while to figure this out but after I did, my results were amazing, but it all started with me doing something every day, to get better. Write all this down too, so you can keep a record of your progress, if you slip up a few times, don’t be to hard on yourself, just hop right back on the horse and get back to work. Also come up with a plan, then take MASSIVE ACTION, this is by far the best idea that you can implement and start to see good result soon. Its simple, but not easy, thats why many people don’t do it. Now is the time to see what you are made of, if not now when, life is too short, so just start today and do something everyday, whatever that is, to take you closer to your goals.

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Posted by on December 20, 2012 in Uncategorized


Hold The Vision

Hey guys, first off Happy Holidays and may next year be a great one for you and your family. Lets hop right in on todays topic,( Hold the Vision) of the player that you want to be in your MIND all the time. This is really the only way to reach and become all that we can be. The problem is trying to hold this vision when you are struggling! What happens then is, our vision tends to fad, so the only way to over ride this is by consistently thinking about and seeing yourself as the player you want to be, first tip is to make sure you do some (mental rehearsing every morning and night before you go to bed) I myself have found this to be very effective because then Im able to send positive messages to my SUB-CONSOIUS mind, then it in return will obey my orders. See if you don’t tap into this very powerful part of your mind you will always struggle to break through, why, because the old VISION will reappear again and again. Next, feed your head all day long with positive things, the problem is we let people come around us with their negative crap and it effects us or we listen to people instead of trusting ourselves, never forget that 90% of the people in the world are NEGATIVE! Man, that a big number, what Im saying is its time to get in the small number here folks and create your own world. All it takes is some discipline and EFFORT on your part, the secret to HOLDING the VISION of the player you want to be is to just stop doing and listening to negative things. You have to KEEP THE FAITH!

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Posted by on December 16, 2012 in Uncategorized


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Tennis Is Emotional

The weather here in kobe is awesome! Im going to go teach another lesson soon, but lets get into todays tip, which is what tennis is really all about, and that is EMOTIONS. The reason why I respect the game so much, is because tennis does reveal character by how well you are able to handle your emotions, see we are brought up to make excuses, when we FAIL, but tennis doesn’t allow you to do this, its all on you and how well you can step up to the plate while dealing with your fears. The best way to improve this, is to be aware of  it and try to detach yourself from the outcome. It really works, I have seen this over and over again, with my juniors in their matches, where they somehow manage their nerves and get through. In every case they dealt with their emotions on the spot, then they PUSH through it, this is by far the best tactic to use when playing matches, start in practice, try to be as focus and intense as possible when doing it, again let your practice play carry over to your matches. Players try to switch it on and off but they soon realize that they can’t, many times too late, also this has to be learned over time with practice ,practice and even more practice, what you are looking for is to be aware with JUDGING! Then you are able to see for yourself and correct it over time, please read this blog again and post it where you can refer to it daily! This works people, so give it a try. Just don’t be afraid to fail, when you do and we all do, get back up, then move forward!

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Posted by on December 6, 2012 in Uncategorized